Thursday, January 31, 2013

Do Some Reshaping to Action Figures

If action figures you bought are made of plastics, it may get bent in package. This may happen to the figures very often. But you don’t need to worry too much. Bent parts can be reshaped. You can follow the tips below. Plastic toys will look fine again after you do something effective steps to save it.

For most experienced collectors, they know the wrists or ankles are the common areas of the toys that are often found as bent parts. What’s worse, the accessories such as guns and swords may be bent as well. It just takes you some moment to get it fixed with ease. The toy can be repaired and will look as good as an original one.

If your toy is Transformers figure, you should prepare some hot water in a bowl. The bent part has to be submerged into the big bowl entirely. The temperature of the water should be suitable. It can be neither boiling nor scalding. It ought to be hot to the touch. The plastic toy will be destroyed if the water is badly hot. In the mean time, nothing will help if it is not hot enough. Be sure that the bent part stays under the water for one minute. Then, you can take it out.

As the part becomes more pliable, you can re-bend it to what it should be. Next, you need to put it in cold water for less than one minute. Finally, dry the bent part off. It will become new again. This method is also proper for World of Warcraft figures which are made of plastics. It is very easy to do it.